The following samples are model dossiers from previous promotion and tenure cycles. Documents within each group are listed by the candidate's area of excellence, school, and the promotion and tenure cycle year it was reviewed. Because we only use exemplary dossiers as samples, not every category is represented. Also, because the samples are from previous cycles, the format may not match the current guidelines; however, how they document excellence and present their case for promotion and/or tenure is still relevant. The files are for reference only, so permissions and functionality have been restricted (no editing). For help accessing a model dossier, email
Candidates, please remember that your dossier must adhere to the current IU Indianapolis Guidelines for Preparing and Reviewing Promotion and Tenure Dossiers and that the samples presented below are only meant to be a reference to help you present your best case for promotion and/or tenure.
Many thanks to the faculty who have agreed to post their dossiers!